NSA Sends Out Tips to the FBI Daily 31/01/2019
Should we even be surprised that these two agencies are working together? It turns out that the NSA has been sending out tips to the FBI on a daily basis, around three times per day, for eight years now. It started in 2006 as the NSA secretly gave out vital info that could be useful for the FBI.
Google Ready to Shell Out $2.7 Million to find Breach in System 30/01/2019
Talk about big numbers indeed. Hackers and programmers from all around the world would be very happy to hear about the $2.7 Million that Google is offering to anyone who can find a breach in their system. According to the internet search company, a person that could find “new or interesting” paths of attack into their specified system could possibly be awarded. The systems that are the supposedly targets are the Chrome OS and the Chrome hardware suite. It will be held at this year’s CanSecWest and I’m pretty sure everyone will be busy finding a way in.
VPN in Canda: Why You Need a VPN 30/01/2019
The problem with the Internet these days is that you can’t really access any website you want. At first, you may feel that you can get anything you want from the Internet. However, the reality is that there’s still some content that you can’t access. Sometimes, this content could simply be a music video of your favorite artist, but the country decided to restrict it to their location. That can be a bigger problem if you need certain content for your work or business. What if you’re visiting another country, like Canada? Canada has great sceneries and tourist spots, but how can you be sure that you can access all your favorite sites while you’re away from home?
Enjoy Netflix While You’re in India 24/01/2019
You may have heard of Netflix, the famous website based in the United States that lets you enjoy online streaming media right at your computer or gadget. At first, the service was exclusive in the United States. However, with the Internet having a global reach, they expanded their horizons in South America, United Kingdom, the Caribbean, Ireland, Northern Europe, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and even Denmark. However, if you are from India, or just on a trip there, could you resist missing out on your favorite shows and movies? We all know that many people are passionate about TV shows and movies. Your trip to India should not hinder you from enjoying your movies.
VPN in China: What You Should Know About Censorship in China 23/01/2019
Travelling to China might not be a bad idea since the country has numerous tourist attractions such as the Great Wall of China. This great wall can also be seen in the way they handle Internet censorship. Did you know that the government of the People’s Republic of China has up to sixty Internet regulations? This just shows how they keep a close eye on anyone accessing the Internet. You’ll be surprised to find out that the Chinese government not just blocks websites, but they also monitor the individuals the Internet activity of individuals. A VPN in China seems to be a good idea now.
VPN in Colombia: Don’t Miss Out on Your Favorite Websites 22/01/2019
While the Internet can be accessed almost anywhere, some websites are not accessible in some places. There are countries that block access to certain sites and the government is usually behind it. On the other hand, some websites also restrict access from other countries in order to provide exclusive content to the people that they want. This is just a reality that we have to live with it when it comes to the Internet. Well, everything is fine if you’re not going anywhere, like abroad. For instance, if you are going to Colombia anytime soon, then you might encounter some problems in accessing your exclusive sites back at home. In the US, many sites prevent access to outsiders such as Netlfix and Hulu. A VPN in Colombia will surely come in handy to help you get access to the sites that you want. The Internet has become part of our daily lives and who says we can’t visit our sites while on a trip to Colombia?
VPN in Costa Rica: Why You Need One 16/01/2019
Are you visiting Costa Rica any time soon? Then, having a VPN in Costa Rica might be a good idea. If you don’t know it yet, there are websites and online services that restrict and limit the people connecting to their site if you’re not from an allowed country. In the United States, this is quite common in websites especially when it comes to streaming shows and sports events.
VPN in Croatia: Bypass Censorship and Limitations 15/01/2019
Let’s face it. There are just content that is exclusive to some countries. There are websites that are blocked when you get on a certain country. If you are visiting Croatia sometime soon or in the near future, then you should not miss out on any country limitations that they are imposing. Make sure you can still access your favorite websites when you visit Croatia. You simply need to make use of a VPN provider in Croatia and connect to our US or Russian server in order to access the content and sites that you want.
VPN for Paypal 13/01/2019
We are all familiar with online shopping as it is becoming a big trend these days. When you talk about money transfer, Paypal is there to provide you with this service. For obvious reasons, online transactions are much preferred than the actual one because of the big convenience that it provide to everyone.
US President Can't Identify a Terrorist Attack Prevented by the NSA 10/01/2019
With all the surveillance scandal going on, we should be informed on what the results are for the illegal NSA surveillance. Questions like, what good has it done? How many lives were saved? , always come up. It would be great to know these things but when the US president Barack Obama was asked regarding the matter, he is unable to cite at least one terrorist plot that is foiled.
Samsung’s Flagship Model Galaxy S4 Can be Hacked 09/01/2019
Just when you thought you had one of the best smart phones in town, this news goes out. If you just got a Samsung Galaxy S4 as a present or you already have one, you have to know about the vulnerability of this new smart phone.
US Senator Calls for Improved Car Security 06/01/2019
With all the news going out about hackers and thieves, it is quite timely that United States Senator Ed Markey, from Massachusetts, calls for the improvement and development of car security when it comes to hackers and remote attacks. He sent an open letter to 20 different car brands and manufacturers to make sure that their vehicles are well protected from cyberattacks.
USB Stick Used to Rob ATM Machines 05/01/2019
Just when you think that all robberies happen online with the help of hackers, you might want to think again.
In the past few weeks, thousands of dollars were stolen from several ATM machines in Europe. Security researchers were, of course, on top of the issue as soon as it exploded. It turns out that the ATM machines that were targeted had holes that were purposely cut to gain access to a USB port. Through this USB port, they are able to access the hard drive of the ATM and get all the money that they want. How clever is that? In the movies, they make these stuff look like a piece of cake. For these thieves, it seems that it is a piece of cake.
Facebook Saves Whatever You Type on Their Site 03/01/2019
Facebook has been a significant part of our daily lives as more and more people become consumed on this social media site. People spend hours every day browsing profiles, viewing pictures, and sending messages to old and new friends. Whatever is posted on Facebook is considered public and can easily be viewed by everyone on your list of friends or followers. Of course, if you have filters and settings, then you can control what other people see. However, did you know that Facebook tracks your unposted status messages and comments?
Apple Says They Did Not Help NSA 02/01/2019
Apple has been in the front lines when it comes to privacy issues and concerns and their legal team makes sure that the blame won’t be put on them. However, it’s surprising that with all this press, the fact remains. iOS products were easily used in the Operation DROPOUTJEEP of the NSA.